e-ST empowers staff and students with easy access to a wide range of information about progress, both academic and pastoral, as well as allowing colleges and schools to meet the agenda set out by Ofsted’s 'Education Inspection Framework':

  • It provides evidence for 'high quality leadership and management'
  • It effectively monitors learners and helps evidence safeguarding in action (the Personal Development, Behaviour and Attitudes agenda)
  • It supports the priority of ensuring excellent 'outcomes for learners' and supports the Quality of Education agenda
  • It improves overall effectiveness by ensuring that all levels of the organisation can be tracked and support provided where required

Find out how e-ST helps:

  • Gives control by providing instant access to key information
  • Helps track academic progress and identify important performance targets
  • Encourages planning and organisation with all information easily available in one place

  • Instant single point of access to all information on individual students and groups
  • Facilitates easy data tracking and reporting on individuals and groups
  • Provides an effective communication tool

Middle Managers
  • Gives easy access to quality checks on individual and groups of learners
  • Provides key reports that are integrated into a single system
  • Allows for aggregation of data and checking of performance and compliance

Senior Managers
  • Tracks students, courses and teachers, providing aggregate data at course and institutional level
  • Ensures key stakeholders have access to relevant and current information
  • Helps address ‘Prevent’ agenda and Ofsted frameworks on safeguarding and student welfare

Senior leaders and managers

e-ST is a student tracking system owned by senior curriculum and pastoral managers and is absolutely critical as a mechanism to underpin and track student progress, achievement, and learning, as well as the whole teaching process. It directly deals with the new Ofsted EIF and the key concerns of SMT.

What are the current concerns of senior managers and how does e-ST relate to these concerns?

Success rates / learner performance measures / curriculum output – Ofsted ratings

Underpinning this is the quality of teaching and learning processes and the importance of being able to track and evidence this quality
e-ST ILP and Markbook
Student and government agendas

'Prevent Agenda', another take on safeguarding and every student matters agenda.  New Ofsted 'Education Inspection Framework' includes measures called 'Personal Development' and 'Behaviour and Attitudes'
e-ST Pastoral logging, Learner Support, and Tracking


They want to know or need to know what is happening at aggregate and ground level – monitoring assessment and tracking targets/achievements. They need graded information at all levels of the organisation from the individual student upwards. They need "knowledge" concerning whether the institution is ‘effective’ and the potential to gather and aggregate this data through Reporting. This will help them deal with Ofsted key questions which are:
  • How do learners know about their progress?
  • Can you ensure information is reaching staff (on 'Prevent' – safeguarding etc.)? How about parents and other key stakeholders?
  • How do you know what is happening to learners?
  • How effective is your tracking and monitoring? Can you evidence this?
e-ST helps institutions to answer these questions.

Middle managers

  • Gives easy access to individual student information as well as being a platform for checking compliance as well as information sharing
  • Provides for an initial quality check on teachers and learners 
  • Is a communication tool with learners, teachers, managers and SMT
  • Is an effective communication platform with teachers / learners and managers at all levels
  • Allows for the aggregation of grades and reports at a variety of levels, class, course, department, pastoral organisation etc.
  • Cuts down on unnecessary reporting and is fully integrated - put information on the system once and "everyone who needs to know" is alerted.  There is no longer the fear of missing information, which can be a particular concern around pastoral, medical, 'Prevent', safeguarding issues


  • Provides a single point of access to all information about an individual student or groups of students
  • Cuts teacher workload – upload marks once to Markbook and cascade to all stakeholders
  • Provides an instant view of learner progress at all times 
  • Allows teachers to complete one ILP, pastoral log or learner support report and use the information in multiple forms
  • Facilitates easy tracking and reporting on individual students, classes, courses or groups  
  • Provides an effective communication tool and support structure to always ensure that teachers 'know what they need to know'
  • Provides the data and evidence base that teachers need to provide for managers, senior leaders and outside agencies


  • Provides instant access to key information on attendance, timetables, examinations and progress - it allows students to take effective control of their own learning
  • Provides access for students to marks and assessments and provides support through alerts and teacher communications
  • Provides a range of information which promotes effective planning and learning and supports progress – individual learning plans, UCAS and employment references, alerts, additional learning support information, pastoral information
  • Promotes interaction between teachers and students

Get in touch

Looking to find out more or see a demo? If you have any questions about e-ST, please get in touch. Email or ring us anytime, we will be delighted to hear from you and discuss the benefits of e-ST.

You can also give us a call on
+44 (0) 1603 623 030

Find us at
43 All Saints Green
Norwich, NR1 3LY

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